My diabetic mother humored me by making me Rice Krispies Treats on occasion. Okay, she made this sugary "snack" only when I begged, pleaded, and kicked my feet like a lunatic suffering from narcotics withdrawal.
Between working full-time as a medical professional, raising two daughters, and battling a chronic illness that eventually claimed her life, my mother had no time for cooking. Even a recipe as simple as blending cereal with melted marshmallows and butter proved more than she could handle.
When I learned how to cook and do my own laundry toward the end of elementary school, I made my first batch of Rice Krispies Treats, and felt like I had crossed the magical threshold of Adulthood.
Today, as an actual adult who cares deeply about animal welfare and diabetes prevention, I had to give up this so-called snack that is made with ground-up bits of animal skin and bones.
But a few months ago, I discovered a vegan recipe for a rice cereal dessert in Alicia Silverstone's new book The Kind Diet. I modified Alicia's recipe this weekend by adding two teaspoons of cinnamon and two teaspoons of ground flaxseed.
While Salted Caramel Crispy Rice Treats aren't as crunchy as their nutritionally-inferior cousin, I am confident they would win any taste test, hands down.
What you need:
1/2 a bag of brown rice cereal, which you may find in the cereal aisle of most grocery stores
1 3/4 cups of brown rice syrup
3/4 cup of natural crunchy peanut butter
1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. ground flax seed, which you should be able to find in your grocer's baking aisle
a 9 X 13 pan or glass dish
a large glass or ceramic bowl
What to do:
Pour cereal into the ceramic bowl and set aside. Heat the brown rice syrup over medium heat and add salt. When the syrup starts to bubble, add the peanut butter and stir vigorously. Add the cinnamon and flax seed, and keep stirring until the sauce thickens. Pour the sauce over the cereal and stir until well combined. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to transfer the mixture to the pan; flatten and allow to cool for about an hour. Cut into squares and serve.